Project Global: Water

This event will be present the first two parts of the three-part spring 2021 "Project Global: Water" course. During the first part of the course, students have collectively established lexicon of sixty terms that set the parameters for further investigation. They have explored relevant water systems and their components, selecting, documenting, and classifying objects, institutions, along with ideal images and moments of failure. The resulting in a set of lemmas containing the investigations and definitions that underly a collective understanding of the framework. The second part of the course relates the geographic specificity of Mexico City, and the related territory. Following administrative, and geological designations, the work addresses a sequence of scales, and explores how each scale relates to the systems and objects of study. Based on this study, students will formulate questions as starting points for a set of architectural projects in the third phrase of the course.
Margarita Flores, architect and educator, Mexico City
Michael Hirschbichler, founder, Atelier Hirschbichler, Vienna
Chris Romanos, PhD researcher, TU Delft
Elena Tudela, founder, Oficina de Resiliencia Urbana, Mexico City
Please find here the Zoom link
Image: Fragment of mural, "The Great City of Tenochtitlan," by Diego Rivera, 1945,