Rui Furtado was born in Oporto in January 1959. He graduated in Structural Engineering at the Oporto University in 1982. In 1985, he co-founded AFA, where he conciliated Structural Design and Project Management with teaching at the university. His professional career allowed him to develop a wide view of engineering, believing that, in a moment where buildings are increasingly more complex, the big contribution of the engineer lies in exploring the potential of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. Allying his structural education with a special care for architecture and innovation, while a designer, he is motivated by the search for a well-succeeded integration of all the components of construction. This way of practicing Engineering is reflected in most of the Projects he has led, such as the Braga Municipal Stadium in Braga, Casa da Musica in Oporto, or, more recently, the EL-MU Museum in Lausanne.